I assume you have comfortable with Laravel Broadcasting. By default, Laravel has the following four broadcast drivers. Log Pusher Redis Null We will talk about Redis Driver today. Redis has the characterized channel-based messaging system, It’s called Publish and Subscribe or Pub/Sub. When an event is broadcast on our server, Laravel publishes that event in […]
Category: Laravel
Undocumented Laravel: Pipelines
Have you ever wanted to perform a series of tasks/operations on an object (or any type of data) and had to manually build up the process yourself? Did you know that you could easily handle such situations with a pattern that is built into the Laravel framework, called “Pipelines”? If you’re familiar with the concept […]
Laravel App CI/CD using GitHub Actions
Continuous integration becomes mandatory when every second of your application uptime is important. By using Continuous Integration (CI) we can test our codes are working or not through PHPUnit. When all of your tests are pass then you need to deploy the application. Why GitHub Actions? If your project is in GitHub then it is […]
Configuring Laravel with Redis TLS
Today I lost a few hours to debug the issue when I was trying to move a Laravel application to Digital Ocean. I love Digital Ocean in the sense that it’s very user friendly, not overly complex like AWS, and fairly priced. I was eagerly waiting for the managed database to launch in Digital Ocean, […]
Undocumented Laravel: Macros
Often in your controller actions or route closures, you may have come across situations where you want to send a JSON response with an HTTP status, especially when you’re working with REST APIs: Suddenly you realize that you’re using the same snippet across your application over and over again. Wouldn’t it be nice if you […]