
Supercharge PHP using FFI

As we all know that PHP is an open-source general-purpose scripting language. It is a type of simple and easy-to-write language which is good, but sometimes it brings some performance penalty. In this article, we are trying to remove those performance penalties using FFI (Foreign Function Interface). So, let’s get started.


Let’s Get Specific about CSS Specificity

Specificity is the means by which browsers decide which CSS property values are the most relevant to an element and, therefore, will be applied. – MDN Let’s just forget about CSS specificity for a minute and find the appropriate answer to the following question. There are two weights in front of you. One weighs 25 […]

JavaScript Other

Stack: Making a brackets validator

Today we will make a simple brackets validator using Stack data structure. So let’s start! As an example let’s think (a+b) is an expression; In this expression, we need to verify some rules. If the open bracket exists in the expression then make sure to close bracket should exist after the open bracket. Same for […]


API Documentation CodeceptJs

Introduction This document contains basic information about how to import Codeceptjs API Feature in codeceptjs framework. All the steps are Described in order, Steps: REST In order to Test API a new helper is needed Example how to declare that, Inside helpers user need to initialize that, Here endpoint is the URL where users API […]


Pinia: A lightweight Vuex alternative

Note: This article assumes that you have a basic understanding of state management. A few days ago, I was creating a new Vue 3 project and as usual, I chose Vuex from the interactive project initializer. Also, I’ve been using TypeScript with Vue since Vue 2, so this one is no exception. As I started […]


Validate WordPress PHP coding standard using PHPCS

Coding standards guide the programmers to write code that can be easily read by other developers to understand every part of it effortlessly. So WordPress invent their own coding standard to make consistent between all developer’s code. In this article, we will discuss PHP Coding Standards and how we can verify our codes using PHPCS. […]


Unit Testing for Your WordPress Plugin

Unit testing is one of the software testing types which includes the initial testing phase where the smallest components or the modules of a software are tested individually. If you want to reduce your WordPress plugin bugs from production then this is the technic that will help you most. So you have a plugin and […]

Laravel JavaScript

Let’s configure our own WebSocket Server for Laravel Echo

I assume you have comfortable with Laravel Broadcasting. By default, Laravel has the following four broadcast drivers. Log Pusher Redis Null We will talk about Redis Driver today. Redis has the characterized channel-based messaging system, It’s called Publish and Subscribe or Pub/Sub. When an event is broadcast on our server, Laravel publishes that event in […]


Undocumented Laravel: Pipelines

Have you ever wanted to perform a series of tasks/operations on an object (or any type of data) and had to manually build up the process yourself? Did you know that you could easily handle such situations with a pattern that is built into the Laravel framework, called “Pipelines”? If you’re familiar with the concept […]


Laravel App CI/CD using GitHub Actions

Continuous integration becomes mandatory when every second of your application uptime is important. By using Continuous Integration (CI) we can test our codes are working or not through PHPUnit. When all of your tests are pass then you need to deploy the application. Why GitHub Actions? If your project is in GitHub then it is […]