
Pinia: A lightweight Vuex alternative

Note: This article assumes that you have a basic understanding of state management. A few days ago, I was creating a new Vue 3 project and as usual, I chose Vuex from the interactive project initializer. Also, I’ve been using TypeScript with Vue since Vue 2, so this one is no exception. As I started […]


Undocumented Laravel: Pipelines

Have you ever wanted to perform a series of tasks/operations on an object (or any type of data) and had to manually build up the process yourself? Did you know that you could easily handle such situations with a pattern that is built into the Laravel framework, called “Pipelines”? If you’re familiar with the concept […]


Undocumented Laravel: Macros

Often in your controller actions or route closures, you may have come across situations where you want to send a JSON response with an HTTP status, especially when you’re working with REST APIs: Suddenly you realize that you’re using the same snippet across your application over and over again. Wouldn’t it be nice if you […]